вторник, 20 ноември 2012 г.

The Holy Grail

Eastern origin of the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail

When you think about the Holy Grail, perhaps imagining golden chalice from which Jesus and his Apostles drank at the Last Supper and which was later collected the blood of the crucified Messiah. Perhaps he sees the legendary cup of Christ in the hands of renowned knight, as Percival, her eternal guardian. Have you ever wondered why your mind these images? Certainly the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, whose purpose was to find the Holy Grail, to drink from the golden chalice and gain immortality. But King Arthur and his knights are an anachronism. They did not exist, at least not in the way we believe. According to the historical facts in the VI century there were two rulers - Arthur of Dalriada and Arthur of Wales, currently contenders for the honor were King Arthur, although none of them lived at the beginning of the second millennium, when the era of the Knights in shining armor has begun in Europe. So we go through half-truths. But despite the historic scam search of the Holy Grail was true and become the main objective of the Order of fearless knights. They were members of the "poor soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon", now known more as the Knights Templar. This was the first knight brotherhood of the medieval orders and model, who formed all. It was the inspiration, and later the author of Grail legends, including those of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Because Sacraments dedicated to the Holy Grail in Europe, indeed originate from the Knights Templar.
The Order of the Knights Templar was founded in 1118 to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land and back. The first nine members including Hugo de Peyen (Hugues de Payen), Geoffroy de Saint-Omer, Rosal, Gondamer, Geoffroy Bizu, Payen de Mondidie, Arshambo de Saint Enan and Andre de Montbard, arrived in Palestine in the First Crusade, which is known with that reclaimed the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims. First Templar came from France the cradle of European knights in shining armor, where they were known as chevaliers, which means "knights" - a word derived from cheval, "horse" in French. Riders became famous for their chivalry and noble behavior include honesty and protection of women, but their livelihood by protecting feudal kingdoms. The main differences between the French chevaliers and the Templars is that the Templars worshiped a single master - the Pope, and all were doomed to celibacy. Pope entered the monastic statutes of the Templars, which was composed by Saint Bernard - Chapter of the Cistercian Order of monks Europe, but also the fulfillment of orders from rare papal court, the Knights Templar were released from obedience to secular rulers.
Lauren Graf, Zhodfroa de Bouillon, led the first Templar to Palestine as part of the First Crusade, and was elected first king of Jerusalem, although never officially accepted the crown, preferring the title "Defender of the Holy Sepulchre." After he took over the management his younger brother Baudouin I, who already held the title "King of Jerusalem" and later passed it on to his cousin Baudouin de Bourg, the historical King Baudouin II, for whom it is written that gave shelter to the Knights Templar the mosque "Al-Aqsa". It was built by the Muslims at the former stables of King Solomon, who were part of the complex around the Temple of Solomon. Knights believed that the temple is a hidden treasure of the ancient Jews.
Another spiritual brotherhood of warrior monks came after the Knights Templar and it was the Knights of St. John, or Hospitallers, which originated as a charitable brotherhood Order in Palestine years before the First Crusade. Knights of St. John teamed up with Templar in the fight against Saracens robbers who wanted to return to Jerusalem and the Latin Middle Eastern territories of Islam. Both the order of European knights kingdom created Utryomer - "Beyond the Sea" - gradually expanded up and down the coast of Asia Minor. Order two or captured built magnificent castles and fortresses in the mountains and coastal regions of Asia Minor as a persistent Leg de Chevalier in Syria and impressive castle Beaufoy in Lebanon. As of 1187 it is believed that both the Order ruled 35% of the land constituting Utryomer including various principalities of Antioch, Tripoli, Jerusalem and Edessa. According reserved census in 1180 at the time, at least 600 knights and squires of the 2000 Knights Templar strongholds were located in the territory of Utryomer.
But Knights of Utryomer were not only warriors. They possess spirituality, intellect and intuition, that the world has just opened. The spiritual attitude of the Knights Templar was encouraged by their patron and mentor Saint Bernard, who not only created the statutes of the Templars, but was closely associated with the order, as he was the nephew of Andre de Montbard Templar and spiritual brother of the Cistercian monks and Gondamer Rosal, are released from their vows to be between nine founders. The Middle East legacy of Cistercian Templars enriched by the wisdom and influence of Asian mystics initiate a European Knight Mysteries of the Brotherhood, dedicated to the Holy Grail.
Gradually European knights from Utryomer, especially the Knights Templar, dedicated to the discovery and preservation of the Holy Grail in its many forms. From its Asian teachers, they learned that the Holy Grail involves not only the cup of Christ, but also many other manifestations of the Grail, including the holy family of Jesus, which one legend says that survived the death of the Messiah by his wife Mary Magdalene . Miraculous wisdom of the Holy Grail Knights generally taken by Sufis - enlightened mystics of Islam and the founder of many eclectic schools of wisdom, which covered vast territories of Asia Minor. Under the guidance of their mentors Islam says Barbara Walker in "Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets", the Templars became the first seat to the Mosque "Al-Aqsa" in the Temple of the Holy Grail. She said:

"Western romantics inspired by Moorish Shi'ite poets, transformed it Sanctuary of the Mother (Mosque" Al-Aqsa ") in the Temple of the Holy Grail, where the legendary Knights Templar called, gathered to offer their services to the Goddess, to keep women nature of deity and to protect women. "

Gradually, all the castles of the Templars in Asia Minor became temples of the Mysteries, dedicated to the Holy Grail. Over a hundred years ago, when living in Utryomer, become adepts Knights of the Holy Grail, and learned Arabic and translated excellent manuscripts with occult wisdom concerning the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail, owned by their patrons - Sufis. These priceless documents were collected from all parts of Asia, Europe and Africa by Muslim conquerors who left them in libraries in the Middle East under the supervision of the Sufis. For some Templar Sufis were the only things teachers in any religion, including Christianity, where they would have the chance to explore deeper spiritual principles. Such was the case with the Grand Master of the Templars Philip of Nablus, who was born in populous Muslim Syria and received his education in the local Islamic teachers there. Everyday interaction with Muslims it to set up your friendly Saracens and he became their protector, and this influenced the Templars who serve Him. Templar sympathy to Saracens is illustrated by a sample of diary of Osama bin Mungid - Syrian Arab emir and Shayzar that a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, took the time to pray in the mosque Templar "Al-Aqsa". Osama originally called Templar in his diary acquaintances and friends, and after praying in the temple, they wrote:

"... One franc jumped on me, picked me up and spun me around so that I look to the east." So you have to pray! "He said. Templar Some intervened immediately grabbed it and pulled, then I went back to prayer. Yet again he attacked me and apologized Templars again and told me: "He is a foreigner who just arrived today from the north country, and never seen anyone pray facing in a different direction than the east. "

The idea of ​​equality between religions, which applied to the Temple Muslim neighbors were largely accepted by their enlightened Sufi teachers. According to historians, the Templars and the Masons Mackey and Higgins for equality Sufi help them to discover universal truths that exist in all major spiritual traditions of the world, including Christianity, and their universal concepts inspired them to combine elements of Islam, Egyptian mysticism, Persian dualism, Alchemy, Gnosticism and knowledge of Greek philosophers eclectic collection of religious cults associated with the mysteries that flourished throughout the Middle East. Sufis and helped create numerous Islamic sects are also cultivating their universal perspective, Druze, Assassins, and yezidite ismaelitite. Much of mystical wisdom spread between the eclectic Sufi sects, was merged into the Knights Templar and later was carried by knights in Europe, where it became the basis of many secret cults formed in the spirit of western culture, including Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. The secret wisdom that the Templars acquired in the Middle East from different Muslim, Jewish and Gnostic sects, Manly Palmer Hall, founder of the Center for the study of Rosicrucianism in California says:

"A few of the Knights Templar, who were initiated into the secrets of the Druze, Nazareth, Essenes, Ioannina and other sects, still living in remote and inaccessible fortresses throughout the Holy Land, were revealed some of the mysteries (esoteric mysteries).

A good example of schools for eclectic mysteries created by Sufis in the Middle East is al-Safa Ikhvan - Brotherhood of Basra, about 959 based in Syria, to unite science with Islamic Arab, Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Chinese and Indian Mysticism in World School of the sacraments. Brothers, also known as the "philosophy of purity" that got the whole world wisdom that they were known in the Muslim Empire to create a Rasa'il Ikhvani-Safa - a collection of 52 messages, some of which later served as the basis of many eclectic schools that gradually spread throughout the Middle East, Africa and Europe. These synthesized knowledge united brotherhood reflect archetypal wisdom of the ancient Essenes and prior training in European Masonic lodges.
One eclectic Islamic sects, which had a significant impact on the Templars was that of the Druze, founded in the tenth century by Sufi missionaries from the House of Wisdom in Cairo. Druze who inhabited the mountainous areas near Templar stronghold in Lebanon, confessed mysterious religion that represents a synthesis of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Structure and rituals of the sect, including three major extent consistent with the Templars and show the relationship between the two organizations. When Mason Colonel Churchill, author of "Ten years living in Mount Lebanon" who spent many years studying the Druze in the nineteenth century, he found that their rituals were almost identical to those of European Freemasons - an organization founded more than Templar - and is based on more ancient beliefs. Another indisputable connection between the Druze, the Templars and the Masons include reference to the Druze in the initiation into the 22nd degree of the Ancient Scottish Rite and approved of Freemasonry and the fact that it is found that the highest leader of the Druze had lived in Scotland - Templarism of the Northern Territory. Here's what Mason wrote the 33rd degree Mackey historian:

"The seat of the supreme leader of the Druze was in Scotland, a tradition that apparently passed from the time when the influence of the Templars was very strong."

Another sect inspired by Sufis in the Middle East, which had a great influence on the Templars are yezidite - Kurdish cult reformed by Sheikh Adi sufista in the eleventh century Although it is generally located in northern Iraq, once yezidi culture was prevalent in large part of Asia Minor, including some areas in Syria and Lebanon, inhabited in antiquity by the Templars. The religion of this sect, which is an amalgam of elements of Judaism and Islam through zoroarstrizam main deity Melek Taus, made an important contribution to the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail, the Templars. Yezidite priests claimed that Melek Taus, "Peacock Angel," is infamous Angel of the Garden of Eden, who refused to bow to Adam because of his pride fell from heaven and became Lucifer. Melek Taus of history is on the parable of the Fisher King in the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail, which was also destroyed by his pride, he lived in the Castle of the Grail, and he wore a hat of peacock feathers. Templar ritual sacred cord to wear under your clothes may also have been influenced by Melek Taus, whom yezidite were eternal connection through symbolic red and black woolen cord, which wore around his neck. Templar reason to wear these cords was discovered during the infamous trial against them in France in the fourteenth century by the Knights Then some admitted they received cord, which had been wrapped around the head-idol called Baphomet. As you will discover later in this text, it is the other name of Melek Taus.
Yezidite might have influenced the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail, and by belonging to the Cult of Angels - an organization that includes two other smaller Islamic sects. Angels worshiping cult deity, symbolized by the sword or knife stuck vertically in the ground, and this may be the model for the later arturianski image of the Sword in the Stone. Moreover, the annual October celebration of the cult of the cup may have inspired the later European authors of the legends of the Holy Grail to endow cup with mysterious supernatural powers. This Persian festival celebrated Golden Age of Immortals when legendary Persian king ruled Dzhamshid or Feast of the omniscient cup, probably gave rise to the belief that the Holy Grail, being glass, gives immortality.
Another Middle Eastern sect that apparently had considerable influence on the Templars and Mysteries, dedicated to the Holy Grail are mandeite, currently found mostly in southern Iraq, but in the past they colonized areas throughout the Middle East, including Palestine. Mandeite had eclectic religion influenced by Persian mysticism of Sufi doctrines and the neighboring communities of Druze and yezidite. Like yezidite mandeite Melek Taus also honored that their sacred books called Little Taus, although their relationship with Angela Peacock precede this with yezidite millennia. Melek Taus (or small Taus) is honored and the birthplace of mandeyskata culture paradise island of Sri Lanka - Eden of the Arab world, where he was known not only as Angela Peacock, but as Muruga or Sanat Kumara. Mandeite differ from yezidite because Melek Taus is not associated with Lucifer, but call first and Adam mandeyski Gnostic prophet or an expression of intuitive wisdom. Legend Melek Taus Adam-Adam-or Muruga descended anciently from the highest mountain in Sri Lanka - Top of the Adam and tell mandeite Gnostic wisdom. Thanks to its favorable influence later mandeite managed to build a bridge between eastern and western spirituality, migrating to the Middle East. From mandeyskata culture later came St. John the Baptist - the father of Gnosticism in the west, who are believed to create a Gnostic cult known as the Church or the Church of St. John of Ioannina. John Church was "Secret Church" that A. E. Waite later wrote in his book "The Secret of the Holy Grail clicks", claiming that it has played an important role in promoting the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail in Europe . Hugo de Peyen, the first Grand Master of the Templars, who is also considered to have been initiated into the Church of John managed to blend the wisdom of Ioannina with eclectic Sufi knowledge to create a European version of the Sacraments, dedicated to the Holy Grail.
Of all the sects inspired by Sufis in the Middle East and affected Templar no more important than Assassins - Islamic sect of Nizar ismaeliti founded by Sufi associated with House of Wisdom in Cairo. Assassins, like the Templar Order were Asian Knights, who built remarkable castles in the mountains of Syria and Lebanon, sometimes near the fortress of the Knights Templar.

Mysteries, dedicated to the Holy Grail of Persia

As is apparent, many mystical traditions prevalent in the Middle East have been somewhat influenced by the Sufis. In turn Sufis draw much of their wisdom from the East and particularly from Persia - a country that Mason historian Mackey called "true home of Sufis." Sufis before his Persian heritage of mystical sects whose creation helped in many ways. For example, they introduced the worship of the Persian New Year Festival Nevruz and a cup and regular Persian perform certain religious rituals, including morning worship the rising sun, which was associated with the Persian Mithras - god of light. Many Sufi knowledge of the Holy Grail, came from Persia came to Europe by the Templars as their students, who included them in their Mysteries, dedicated to the Holy Grail. Watertight Persian influence can be found in European legend of the Holy Grail "Parsifal", where the lineage of Kings of fishermen are said to originate from Mazadan, pure Persian name is close to Mazda or Ahuramazda - the supreme deity of the Persian pantheon. It is believed that the name is a fusion of Mazda and Yazdani or Yazadan, which in Persian means "god." Other characters in "Parsifal" also have Persian names, including Parsifal (Pansival), the protagonist of the story, whose name in Persian means "Persian destiny"; Fayrefits his half-brother, whose name reminds common Persian name, and father of Parsifal, Gamuret, whose name is probably a derivative of Gayomart is called as the first man in Persian 'Avesta'. We should not forget the astrologer to the Holy Grail Flegetanis Persian name which means "familiar with the stars." Even the term Grail, which is written in different times Gral legends can be derived from the Persian word gohr or gohar, which means "gem" which form does the Holy Grail in "Parsifal." It is interesting to note that translated into German Persian gohr becomes Perle, which is part of Perlesvaus (Perlesfaus), the name of Parsifal in another legend of the Grail. It is assumed that Parsifal may have been called Li Gallois, meaning "foreign Knight" in some of the legends of the Grail because of Persian origin.
Recently, the authors of "From Scythia to Camelot," Littleton and Malkor revealed in its detailed studies that history also proves the wisdom of carrying the Holy Grail of ancient Persia. They argue that the legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail were brought to Europe from the Scythian tribes Alans and Sarmatians, whose horsemen come from the Caucasus Mountains and the northern part of Iran in the first five centuries after Christ, were assimilated into Roman provinces. These Central Asian tribes brought with them tales of swords, goblets and knights who may have provided the raw material for European legends of the Holy Grail. This is probably because arturianskite Grail legends are spread in Europe until after novoskitskite tribes established on the continent.
But perhaps the most convincing evidence for the migration of the Holy Grail of Scythia are Nart Sagas - "chivalric sagas" or legends transmitted between Scythian tribes in Persia and Central Asia. Littleton and Malkor suggest Baltraz - one of the main figures in the Nart Sagas, may have evolved in King Arthur migration Sarmatians in the UK at the time of the Roman Empire. They cite many similarities between the two images, including the fact that both groups guided knights - those of Roundtable Arthur Narts of Baltraz. The same legend describes the last moments of the two heroes of the land. While dying on the battlefield, they asked his assistants to throw down their swords in the water bodies, in both cases, those who have to do so fail, but the lie that they did. And Arthur and the deceitfulness of Baltraz reveal messengers swords when they are really thrown into the water, followed by unusual events, just as they expected. When Baltraz sword fell into the sea, the water rises and becomes blood-red, and Excalibur is caught by the hand of mistress of the sea, it refers to the bottom.
Nart Sagas resemble European legends of the Holy Grail in another very important point. They mention the magical chalice, Holy Grail, which can be touched and held by a "perfect knight." Scythian Holy Grail called Nartmongue, "Revival of PTH," which remains forever full of feasting knights of the Scythian, as Europe's Holy Grail of Arthurian knights table. And as arturianskiyat Grail appears only to the purest knights, Nartmongue rises to his lips only to those knights who are "without fault." Nartmongue like Europe and the Holy Grail that has been passed down in the family of rulers and constantly guarded by the Order of Knights.
The influence of the Scythians Alans is proved by the names of some of the characters European Grail legends, many of which included particle "Alan." Two such names are Alain (Alain) Le Gros - Parsifal's father in "Perlesfaus" and Elaine (Elain) - mother of Lancelot. Elaine's name is particularly interesting because maybe stems directly from "Elainus - the name of the tribe of Alans in North Britain. Yet most obvious contribution of Alan may be the name of Lancelot, which in Littleton and is a derivative of Malkor Alanus a Lot or "Alan from the river," which became the fictional knight in blood relative of Alan.
While Littleton and Malkor made remarkable studies "From Scythia to Camelot" reveals many other researchers reached similar conclusions about the Persian origin of the legends of the Holy Grail. German researcher Friedrich von Zuhtshek as "claims arturianskiyat cycle is of Iranian origin," and many of his lyrics are "loosely translated from Persian." Zuhtshek and believes that "Partsifal" of Wolfram comes from Iranian epic Barzu-Name and Montsalavat - the name of the area where the castle of the Fisher King of the Grail myth of Europe, comes from sal-wadshe - a sacred place for the Parsis, or Persians. Klos, another well-known researcher of the Grail legend says that the European myth comes from "a long-forgotten source of Persian origin," the scientist Jean-Marc and his associates added that the entire work of Wolfram is probably the only copy of the Iranian Conte de la Perle and certainly is a "German-Iranian" origin.

Chrétien de Troyes was the first in 1180 tells the story of Parsifal and the mysterious Court

The Holy Grail is a legend among the relics in the history of the world. He was considered a symbol of life and immortality, abundance and fertility. They say that if you drink from it, wins eternal youth, forget about diseases and sins are remitted. Quest for the Holy Grail be interpreted as a return to heaven, in the spiritual center of the human universe, a symbol of initiation, check with tremendous trials and facing death, after which a man discovers hidden meaning and mystery of life. His loss therefore symbolizes the loss of Paradise, the primal spirituality, purity and innocence.
             Other users have unraveled the mystery of the Holy Grail. There are several hypotheses as to its origin. The most common - a cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper and which then gathered drops of his blood when he crucified. Goblet and spear which wounded Savior, preserved and brought to England Joseph of Arimathea, says legend. According to another version of the Grail is only a Christian symbol. Joseph Goering of the University of Toronto as the mythical seek connection with the Court of XII century paintings on the walls of several churches in the Catalan Pyrenees. Today, most paintings were moved to the National Museum of Art of Catalonia in Barcelona. They show the Virgin Mary holding the chalice, out of which fire beams. Goering argues that they have inspired legends of the Grail. Some seek the birth of this story in the mythology of the ancient Celts. Pagan roots can be found in an ancient Indo-European myth of magic Court - a symbol of life and rebirth. Others believe that the Grail stories are associated with occult secret society founded in ancient times and keeps intimate knowledge handed down from generation to generation. All explanations, however, remain hypotheses that today can not be supported by very strong evidence. Grail romances came into existence in France, and later translated into various European dialects. Few non-French novels add important new elements to the history of the subject. The first preserved and documented history of the Holy Grail is a novel in verse Conte du Graal of Chretien de Troyes. The popular French troubadour and poet claims that the story is based on data found in the book of Count Philip of Flanders, something that today can neither confirm nor deny. In the unfinished work (1180-1191) famous magic cup has a key place. De Troyes tells the knight Parsifal, which until dinner at the home of the King of fishermen watched lavish processions of young vessels carrying great dishes. In Parsifal first vestyava man with bloody spear after another - a large candlestick. Finally appeared a beautiful girl with an ornate glass (graal). Knight, however, was warned not to speak and remained silent throughout. Later Parsifal understands that if asked pertinent questions about what he saw, he would heal his crippled host. De Troyes describes the Grail as a deep bowl containing pike, salmon and lampreys. However, the Court are of interest for decoration and content, but because it was wafer designed to cripple the father of King fishers. Image of Parsifal is based on ancient Celtic saga Mabinogion, which tells the hero Prider. It is mentioned and magical goblet, which has properties similar to the Grail. In later Arthurian legends cup has called Holy Grail, speaking more about spear with which Christ is wounded and his sword Excalibur. Although the story of Chretien de Troyes is the earliest and most influential texts of all the mythical court, Robert de Boron is the one prevrashta Grail of ordinary glass into a sacred vessel. In chivalry novel (1191 - 1202) the author tells the story of Joseph of Arimathea, which acquired the chalice of the Last Supper and it collects blood drops that fell after the overthrow of Jesus from the cross. Joseph was thrown into prison where Christ visits him and explains the mysteries of the sacred cup. When released, gathers followers and went west, where he founded a dynasty of Grail keepers. It is believed that the work of Boron makes clear link between the sacred cup and Christian tradition. Despite the popularity of the Grail legends, however, the Church does not recognize them.

Vanya Kostova standartnews

Holy Grail is probably located in the Turkish city of Antakya, Turkey said archaeologist

Holy Grail is probably located in the Turkish city of Antakya, Hatay County, eastern Turkey, said Turkish archaeologist Joseph inhabited, chairman of the foundation of the Orthodox Church in Antioch, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet writes. According to some Holy Grail in Italy, others - in the UK, Canada and has a hypothesis that is under Chemberlitash in Istanbul. Archaeologist inhabited believes that the Grail should be in Antakya, which in the past was considered the second holiest city after Jerusalem. Archaeologist argues that the death of Jesus, his followers came to Antioch. From this city the Virgin Mary went to Ephesus, where he lived to his death. According to the hypothesis of the population are followers of Jesus brought with him to Antioch and the Holy Grail. Inhabited believes that the Grail hypotheses related to Leonardo da Vinci, are not very realistic. According to him, in earlier years, when he was guarded the Holy Grail, the West had a similar culture to keep valuable object. Inhabited believes that the Grail is not made of gold, silver or metal, but is a ceramic.

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